About Us

Our Story 

In December of 2021, my husband was mortally wounded in the line of duty.  By God’s grace, I was able to leave my corporate healthcare job to become a full-time stay at home wife + caregiver. While so many things have changed over the last two years, two things have stayed the same:

  1. Being a wife is my favorite thing in the world and my #1 priority. It’s not always easy to be a wife and caregiver as the two can become intermixed. But there’s no greater joy than being a wife to the most amazing man there is. God has ever been so faithful in His promises.
  2. My desire to be creative has never wavered. There have been many times where I’ve felt lost in what to do now that my plans in my career had changed. But having dipped my toes in the embroidery world, it brought the best of both worlds together. The ability to create and share with all of you while also being able to care and love for my husband.

...so born out of the ashes, comes Chelsea Made Co. Two years ago, I was meant to be a widow. But God said otherwise. My husband is a living, breathing, talking and soon to be walking testimony! Our plans for the future were drastically changed in the blink of an eye. Our lives turned upside down. But because of the greatest miracle of life upon my husband, I am a blessed married woman to my husband, Tyler.

And through this season of our life, I encountered embroidery… and the rest is history. Just as our story has brought light to a dark world, we wanted the name to hold its meaning. As I was called to serve a greater purpose in this life; A loving and caring wife to an honorable and devoted husband. It is a glimpse of how our trial was turned into triumph. The Lord made and created me for such a time as this. By the faithfulness and grace of God, we were able to make the best out of our situation. And each item is created and embroidered with my true love for it. So comes along Chelsea Made Co. An embroidery small business to share with you products that are embroidered to last! One of my husband’s biggest pet peeves are clothing items that he loves that don’t hold to wear and tear.

So I am so glad you're here + I hope my love for embroidery brings just as much joy to you as it has to us! I can’t wait to see how the creativity spreads through each of you as you customize your own pieces!

God bless,



“He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.””

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭17‬:‭20‬ ‭


To read more about our story and stay up to date on our miraculous journey to recovery head over to:

our Instagram page @prayfortylerm

our FaceBook page “Pray For Tyler #11118”.